How Are Virtual Technologies Shaping Real Estate
As National Association of Realtors reports “realistic sounds, imagery, and other sensations through devices like headsets, allows a person to dive into an environment that does not account for where they are. For real estate, this means facilitating walkthroughs and tours more conveniently and cost-effectively while leveraging the use of VR. There are arguments around VR and its impact on the closeness or distance it brings amongst people around the world. What are experts in this field saying about the impact of virtual reality on real estate? Imagine being able to combine a virtual tour, endless amounts of data, and virtual features into the real estate transaction? By combining these technologies, we change how people view and transact within real estate. In the future, it may become “normal” for people to view a property from anywhere while also allowing them in the space itself. Discovering and exploring real estate technologies is the start to understanding this robust environment and how it can and will impact the future of real estate”. As National Assoication of Realtors Reports “Housing shortages abound, and renters—just like home buyers—are feeling pressure. That was on display in a recent TikTok video that has been viewed more than 1.1 million times, showing renters swarming an open house for a new apartment in Brooklyn, N.Y., the New York Post reports.”